Monday, October 20, 2008

Lovely gifts from school

Don’t you love the fall? The leaves begin to change. The crisp smell in the air and the kids are back in school. Though, I have found one big draw back to the kids being back in school. The things they end up bringing home from school. Last week I found the fourth case of lice in both of my daughter’s hair. We have treated them three other times. I have done load after load of laundry. I have spent hours after hour nitpicking hair. I hate lice! I told a friend that I believe God gave us lice to teach us patience but I keep praying, “Okay, God, I get it now!” On top of the lice situation I have tried to balance my part-time professional organizing business, my taxi driving to and from dance & school, and helping my mom, who lives with us and has just had a complete right knee replacement. These are the times that if I don’t stop and find the humor in the situation I would have a meltdown. It surprises me that my hair has not turned grey or completely fallen out! As I look back on these last few weeks of our lice battle I thought about something or I should say God gave me an insight. Last Wednesday my pastor was talking about sin and confessing it to God and poof there was the picture in my head of my nitpicking. (Yes, I think in pictures and they are in Technicolor!) Lice & nits are like our sin. If it goes untouched the situation gets worse. Other people get infected or hurt by it. When confessing or nitpicking if you leave even one sin or nit untouched it can very quickly go back into a full blown mess! My pastor’s wife also added that people tend to hide their lice due to shame or embarrassment but everyone can get lice just as everyone sins! People are afraid to tell what they have done for the judgment they might get from others but if we don’t speak out on what we have done and what we are dealing with then others might feel alone. They may think this is only happening to them and no one else. Lice are to kids as fleas are to dogs. It is almost inevitable. And sin is something everyone deals with. My name is Kelly Tidwell and I have lice!


Kelly said...

FYI to geek fest participants. Our house was certified lice free before we had the party so no woriies.

Askander said...

That's good to know!

Nice metaphor as well.

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

Welcome to the blogging world. Don't forget to put the buttons for our sites on there so people know about our business.

Kelly said...

I'll need your help in how to do that.